This highly successful casebook integrates modern scholarship and historical background to provide students with a thorough understanding of tort law. Written by leading scholar Richard Epstein, Cases and Materials on Torts takes an explicitly economics-based point of view and examines the processes of legal methods and reasoning, and the impact of legal rules on social institutions.
The Tenth Edition welcomes new co-author Catherine Sharkey, an expert on punitive damages and federal preemption of state tort law. Hypothetical problems have been added to assist students in their understanding of core issues. New developments, such as privacy and defamation in the Internet Age, and the relevance of race and gender in calculating damages, are given thorough coverage.
PART I: Physical and Mental Harms
Ch. 1 Intentionally Inflicted Harm: The Prima Facie Case and Defenses
Ch. 2 Strict Liability and Negligence: Historic and Analytic Foundations
Ch. 3 The Negligence Issue
Ch. 4 Plaintiff's Conduct
Ch. 5 Multiple Defendants: Joint, Several, and Vicarious Liability
Ch. 6 Causation
Ch. 7 Affirmative Duties
Ch. 8 Traditional Strict Liability
Ch. 9 Products Liability
Ch. 10 Damages
Ch. 11 The Institution of Insurance
Ch. 12 The No-Fault System
PART II: Torts Against Nonphysical Interests
Ch. 13 Defamation
Ch. 14 Privacy
Ch. 15 Misrepresentation
Ch. 16 Economic Harms
Ch. 17 Tort Immunities
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